Welcome to the basic MINDFULGym self-help program for stress reduction and wellness. To attend the 5-week course online FREE, click on the images (week 1-5) and follow the instruction in the new webpages. The lessons will be supported by online reading assignments, YouTube videos, and daily practice (Home-Gym). You may begin and end the course whenever you like, and no registration is required.

Note: The course shouldn't be used as a substitute for consultation with medical or mental health professionals if you're suffering from depression, anxiety disorders, or any other psychological conditions.
Week 1: Introduction to Mindfulness
Origin, definition & benefits of mindfulness
Mindful Body Stretching: Relaxing the Body
Seven Common Mistakes in Mindful Body Stretching
Story: Mindful Monkey, Happy Panda by Lauren Alderfer
Click on the image to attend lesson 1:
Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.
Week 2: Mindfulness of Breath & Body
MINDFULGym Theme Song: Happiness is here-and-now
Mindful Breathing: Calming the Mind
Multitasking, Mindful-PDF & NOW-ing: Focusing Attention
Story: The Emperor's Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy
Click on the image to attend lesson 2:
Week 3: Caring for the Present Moment
Mindful Stretching & Breathing: Caring for the Mind & Body
Don’t Worry, Be Sleepy: Body Scan & Kindness (11m)
Seven Ways to be Kindful in Body Scan Practice
Sleep Hygiene & How to Improve Sleep with Mindfulness
Mindful MIYAOW? 7 Habits of Mindful Listening
Story: The Cracked Pot & Self-Compassion
Click on the image to attend lesson 3:
Image by Briam Cute from Pixabay.
Week 4: Finding Joy Here-and-Now
Mindful Breathing & Flower Imagery (5m)
Gratitude Workout: Google-WWW-Yahoo
The Art of Mindful Photography for Happiness
Story: The Mexican Fisherman
Click on the image to attend lesson 4:
Week 5: Befriending Challenges
Mindful Breathing & Mountain Imagery (5m)
Mindful Vitamin: Making Peace with Change
Mountain Meditation: Cultivating Equanimity (15m)
Mindful-RAIN: Transforming Challenges, Discovering Happiness
Click on the image to attend lesson 5:
Image by Kewl from Pixabay.
Week 6 (Bonus): Kindfulness for Stress Reduction & Healing
It's OK if you need more than 5 weeks to complete the course. Enjoy the learning at your own pace.