Full MINDFULGym Program
5-Weekly Program Outline
The full MINDFULGym program is conducted in a group of 20-25 participants over a period of 5 weeks. In each week, there is a 3-hour group training session, which is followed by daily simple self-help exercises and reminders through WhatsApp.
The sessions are conducted in a psychoeducational and experiential approach to ensure maximum learning and benefits. Upon completion of the program, continuous practice is maintained by regular booster sessions. The following is the outline of the 5-week program:

Introduction to Mindfulness
Week 1
Introduction to stress, anxiety & depression
ABC of Mindfulness
Story: Emperor's 3 Questions
Mindful Body Stretching
Multitasking & NOW-ing (attention to physical actions by 'labeling')
MINDFULGym workout I (home training)

Living in the here-and-now
Week 2
Review of home training
Song: Happiness is here-and-now
Mindful-S.T.O.P: Log on to mindfulness at anytime
Contacting the present moment with 'H.T.C.'
Mindful Breathing: Deepening the NOW
MINDFULGym workout II (home training)

Appreciating the present moment
Week 3
Review of home training
Mindful Eating & Beginner's Mind
Story: A better tomorrow chocolate
Savouring the Present Moment & Mindful Photography
Mindful Walking
MINDFULGym workout III (home training)

Observing & transforming thoughts
Week 4
Review of home training
Understanding the power of thoughts
Unhooking negative thoughts (cognitive defusion)
Gratitude Workout ('Google-WWW-Yahoo')
MINDFULGym workout IV (home training)

Befriending Challenges
Week 5
Review of home training
AAM & 5 Mindful Vitamins
Body-Scan & Kindness: Refreshing the NOW
Heart-Scan (cultivating loving-kindness) with 'Rasa Sayang Hey'
Kindful Hand & Butterfly Hug
MP3 – Mindfulness 'Personal Practice Plan'