Lesson 2: Mindfulness of Breath & Body.
Welcome to lesson 2 of the MINDFULGym foundation course...

1. MINDFULGym Theme Song: Happiness is here-and-now
2. Mindful Breathing (MB): Calming the Mind
Guided practice: 3 styles
https://youtu.be/1f-Vh7DQxq4 (Qigong)
https://youtu.be/zuFCps4Vt40 (Valentine)
https://youtu.be/zAQ2zqEfFHk (Flower Animation)
3. Mindful-PDF & NOW-ing: Focusing Attention
4. Story: The Emperor's Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy
All videos for lesson 2 are available here:

Home-Gym: daily practice
1. Sing or listen to the MINDFULGym theme song regularly.
2. Mindful Breathing (any style) – at least 10x in the morning & 1x every 2-3 hours (use MindBell as reminder https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.googlecode.mindbell&hl=en)
3. Mindful-PDF & NOW-ing – whenever you’re absent-minded.
Proceed to lesson 3: https://www.mindfulgymalaysia.com/post/mindfulgym-online-week-3-5-caring-the-present-moment
Back to 5-week program outline: https://www.mindfulgymalaysia.com/post/5-week-mindfulgym-course-on-youtube-free