What is Mindfulness?
Definition of Mindfulness

Several secular definitions of mindfulness have evolved in the world over the years. The most popular definition is given by Dr. John Kabat-Zinn, the founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR):

In MINDFULGym training, similar to the Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn's definition, mindfulness is defined as a form of attention training. It's what our teachers often reminded us to do in school (but didn't tell us much on how to do it) - PAY ATTENTION.
Being mindful means training our mind to pay attention and relate to present moment experience (e.g. sight, sound, body sensation, thought, feeling) with an attitude of kindness, a beginner’s mind, and wisdom.
Please try to memorize the training definition of mindfulness as it’s important to appreciate the essence of the 12 MINDFULGym Tools.